Two New Books to Help You Become a World Hero
The paperback For-Profit Edition of Excellent Solutions is now available for purchase at, other online book sites, as well as book stores. Here is the ISBN identifier to help you locate the correct edition of the book: 1499378696. Here is the link for the page:
We are working on a short book trailer for this edition that should be available soon. I'll add that link to this post as soon as the trailer is done.
The Nonprofit Edition in paperback and digital versions is also now available on as follows:
The ISBN identifier for the nonprofit edition is 978-1493625444 . The ASIN for the Kindle version is B00OE682FQ.
Here is the link for the page for the paperback edition:
Here is the link for the page for the Kindle version:
Unique, New Book Provides Directions for Highly Fruitful Solutions to Meet and Upgrade All of Life's Spiritual and Material Needs by Using Your Currently Available Resources

First Review of Excellent Solutions
Foreword Clarion Review
Five Stars (out of Five)
Mitchell avoids narrow ideas, encourages positive thinking, and sets large goals to make the biggest possible spiritual and social impact.
In Excellent Solutions: Nonprofit Edition, Donald Mitchell proposes to prove “that there is more than sufficient time, effort, physical resources, and money available to greatly improve the spiritual, moral, health, emotional, and physical circumstances of almost everyone on Earth.” That is a significant challenge for an author to take on, but Mitchell’s thorough and optimistic presentation provides a commendable and thoughtful plan for nonprofit organizations to follow as they strive to make important and lasting impacts on individuals and society.
Mitchell breaks his process into four stages, each with its own section: “Set Goals for Excellent Solutions,” “Eliminate ‘Stalled’ Thinking,” “Create and Implement an Excellent Solution,” and “Create and Implement an Excellent Solution By Using a Second Method.”
“Excellent solutions” are those that reach beyond simplistic answers and blossom exponentially into far-reaching, positive actions without significantly increasing the initial effort. He begins with the
essential element of goal-setting, but as is the case with all thirty-one of his lessons, Mitchell stresses the need to think in terms of goals that are not limited by negativity or narrow focus.
Mitchell excels at turning potentially complex ideas into easily understood steps that he reinforces with biblical passages, personal examples, and engaging explanations that communicate his points clearly without coming across as condescendingly simplistic. Rather, his style conveys the feeling of a favorite uncle teaching a child about important life lessons while giving constant encouragement. For example, near the end of one teaching segment, he writes, “When you have finished the five tasks, please accept my congratulations for having done so much valuable thinking.”
Biblical references and scripture passages abound, and Mitchell craftily uses them to support his concepts and to emphasize that his plan is biblically sound. His passion for his Christian principles and his belief in their ability to change the world, particularly through the effectiveness and excellent solutions of nonprofits, resonates throughout his writing. He does not simply want nonprofits to be successful in secular terms, but also in spiritual matters.
Excellent Solutions is packed with useful and clearly explained information, but Mitchell adds a creative twist that gives the 450-plus page book some visually inspiring moments. Before each lesson, he inserts an incredibly beautiful full-color nature photo by Derrick Z. Jackson. Whether intentional or not, these brilliant pictures inspire reflection on creation’s beauty around the world, subtly reinforcing Mitchell’s global concepts.
Mitchell practices what he teaches. He avoids narrow ideas, encourages positive thinking, and sets large goals to make the biggest possible spiritual and social impact—precisely what Excellent Solutions is all about.
Jeff Friend
Advance Praise for Excellent Solutions
What I love about Don Mitchell’s approach to life is that anything and everything good that pertains to human flourishing is within the realm of reasonable and reachable. But attaining such fruitfulness is not dependent on Don’s intelligence or methodology or wisdom. Rather, it is in the nature and character of God, whose love for any and all people is real and powerful and available. As a result, Don helps us get a handle on God’s wisdom and helps us translate it into fruitful living.
This book busts the traps and boxes into which we unwittingly fall prey. Our thinking and our living are invited to fresh, rich levels of expression. The “number of our days” may be limited, but the difference we make and the contribution we offer to the world are unleashed. Instead of being part of the problem, we can learn from Excellent Solutions how to become increasingly part of the solution, part of God’s good, global solution.
— Pastor Doug Whallon
This wonderful book is a comprehensive guide for finding excellent solutions by applying God’s Wisdom for greater fruitfulness through upgrading what we all do and how we conduct our lives and thus turn well-justified hope into huge accomplishments.
— Dr. Elijah Chingosho, Secretary General, African Airlines Association
A formidable synthesis of management thought, personal psychology, and organizational behavior, all informed by Christian beliefs. This insightful work lays the foundation for truly excellent solutions. Don Mitchell again points the way to a better personal and organizational life.
— Wayne P. Jones, PhD, Executive in Residence, Professor of Marketing, College of Business,
University of Louisville
The story of doubt and stalled faith told by John, a contemporary of Jesus, enlightens our understanding of the loving care and creative power of the TriUnity of God (John 6:1-15). John’s story is situated in a time in Israel where many thousands of marginalized people sought a better solution from a rabbi named Jesus. “When Jesus looked out and saw that a large crowd had arrived, he said to Philip, ‘Where can we buy bread to feed these people?’ He said this to stretch Philip’s faith. He already knew what he was going to do.” (MSG). Even if there was enough bread in the nearest town, there was not enough money to buy bread for so many people. That would be our stalled thinking. But divine wisdom is not shackled by limited vision. Five barley loaves and two dried fish from a little boy would be more than enough. Jesus demonstrates this creative power of faith in God. This seed of faith (a hopeless resource for some) possesses an explosive power for regeneration. It generously feeds the many who seek a better solution in Jesus and graciously leaves more leftovers
for others.
Don Mitchell taps the divine seed of power by exploring how heavenly wisdom is radically different from our own worldly assumptions and then discovers that hidden in this seed is the power for a new creation.
— Stephan Earnhart, follower of Jesus serving the needs of a broken humanity, hotelier, and educator
Excellent Solutions unlocks the secrets to living profoundly by explaining how to tap into your passions and be in sync with what the Lord wants you to do. By following the roadmap laid out by 2,000 percent solution guru Don Mitchell, you, too, can experience the more productive, happier existence that Jesus Christ wants you to enjoy. Instead of just getting by, you’ll be wonderfully supercharged because your actions will be aligned with the teachings of Christianity.
— Ira McCown, investment banker and entrepreneur
With his customary modesty, Donald Mitchell describes his special gift from God: “He made me very curious about ways to find more and better solutions to difficult and painful problems.”
Readers who have benefited from Mitchell’s previous books would add that he writes with compelling clarity. Never one to leave a point unexplained, he elaborates: “Here’s an example,” “Let me spell out what this may look like,” “Let me give you an example,” and interjects many other transitions that become road signs toward insight. He keeps readers captivated and informed through simple illustrations that unlock profound truths.
Excellent Solutions emerges as his masterpiece on the theme he considers his God-given mission. Definitely, the book’s subtitle — How to Apply God’s Wisdom for Greater Fruitfulness — does morethan challenge readers. The phrase encapsulates what the author has accomplished in this epochal book.
— Bill Lampton, PhD, President, Championship Communication
In Excellent Solutions, Donald Mitchell has combined the knowledge and wisdom of the Bible with the stallbusting principles of his 2,000 percent solution to arrive at a magnificent work that teaches us how, through God’s guidance, we can arrive at a sequence of change and action to produce excellent solutions that will multiply benefits in our lives and businesses and thereby create greater fruitfulness for all.
— Dr. Andreas Stark, professional geophysicist and author
I’ve known Don Mitchell for at least a decade, and have always personally known and admired the strength of his character. Excellent Solutions presents a new and expansive vision of Don Mitchell. Those who know him personally have not been surprised to watch him evolve into one of the top Christian business minds in America.
Excellent Solutions allows Don to be recognized not only for his experience as a business leader and forward-thinking problem solver, but as an ongoing Christian learner who can integrate and implement plans and actions based upon teachings of the scripture. Through development of a plan, analysis of what has been done previously, and focus on creating the best opportunities, Mitchell helps us to look at ourselves and our approaches to problem solving in ways that allow us to continually multiply and enhance solutions to challenges we face. I’m proud to know Don and call him a Christian friend. May his work bless your life, and the future work you do.
— Alan Guinn, CEO and Managing Director of The Guinn Consultancy Group, Inc.
Are we really happy with our life, our family, our business, and our friends? No matter how successful we are, we are all performing way below our achievable potential. More happiness and more success are within reach of all of us but we do not see it, we do not know how; we are blind and ignorant. Life is beautiful but we have to make it beautiful.
If you believe in God, by applying God’s Wisdom you will find answers to all your problems. God’s Wisdom will open your eyes and your mind and will help you to achieve exponential success.
Don Mitchell in his new book, Excellent Solutions, combines with talent God’s guidance and stallbusting principles. This outstanding resourceful book will help you to free your life from stalls to find new strengths to go beyond your expectations.
— Alain Pierre Mignon, PhD, CEO, PT Fratekindo Jaya Gemilang, and Chairman of the French-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Don’s motto in life comes from Luke 12:48: “To whom much is given, much is expected.” His book, Excellent Solutions, is a must read for us all if we are to make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others.
— Patrick Crowley, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, OMERS
Don Mitchell is a gifted writer and a brilliant thinker. Therefore it is no surprise that Excellent Solutions gives readers deep insights into behavior change. Regardless of your religious beliefs, implementing just one idea from this book will have a profound impact on your life and the lives of others.
— Stephen Shapiro, Author, Best Practices Are Stupid
We all limit ourselves from achieving exceptional results. We take on what others desire and fear. Unnecessarily. Excellent Solutions frees you to think for yourself in highly productive ways.
— Ania Lichota, executive coach and author
Excellent Solutions takes the reader to a new level of consciousness about improving their own lot as well as those around them, and its “how to do it” approach provides the tools.
— Douglas Scott, foundation CAO